Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery Impose Plus v1.0

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Set Gutters

You can set gutters for gangup jobs. Gutters are extra margins that allow space for binding or other finishing options.

Fiery Impose Plus defines the locations of  gutters  for you according to the layout and sheet size governing the imposition of the job. For example, perfect-bound jobs typically require larger gutters than saddle-stitched jobs, in order to provide room for grinding off the spines and gluing signatures together when the book is bound.
  1. Click Define in the Gutter option.
  2. In the Gutter dialog box, set the gutter measurement by typing in the available text entry fields for each gutter in your layout.
  3. If you entered a value in one of the fields and want all gutters to have the same measurement, click Apply All.
  4. If you selected Scale to fit before setting gutters in the Gutter dialog box, use the "Scale to fit" uses gutter settings check box to control the placement of the page content.
    • Not selecting the check box (default setting) - Scale to fit does not include the gutter size in the calculation. Changing the gutter size does not scale the page content, and instead shifts the content. 
    • Selecting the check box - Scale to fit includes the gutter size in the calculation. Changing the gutter size scales the page content to fit within the area defined by the rows and columns and gutter settings.