Fiery JobFlow Help v2.7

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Using Fiery JobFlow

Fiery JobFlow functions as a server after installation and can be accessed from a shortcut on the computer desktop placed automatically during installation.

When Fiery JobFlow is started the first time after installation, the administrator will create an Admin password, and provide the IP address of a Fiery server, Fiery XF, or Fiery Central server.

To access the Fiery JobFlow server from a different client computer, you must have the IP address or domain name of the computer where Fiery JobFlow is installed. Connect through your browser. If you do not know the IP address of the server, ask the Fiery JobFlow administrator.

Note: During the installation process the Fiery JobFlow installer automatically checks if the preferred network port (80) is available. If the preferred network port is available, you can connect to the Fiery JobFlow server from another computer using the following URL: http://<ip address>/jobflow/login. If the alternate port has been selected, you can connect via the following URL: http://<ipaddress>:44467/jobflow/login.

Four levels of access are available for Fiery JobFlow: Administrator, Operator, Guest, and External Reviewers. The administrator password is set up during installation.

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