Configure 3.2.85

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Process jobs with missing media

If the printer does not have the required media for a job, you can define how the Fiery server handles that job. You can send the job to the Hold queue and define whether to cancel subsequent processing of the job or suspend the processing.

  1. Choose Job Management > Job Mismatch.
  2. To cancel processing of a job and send it to the Hold queue, select Enable Job Mismatch and set Mismatch Action to one of the following:
    • Suspend - Other jobs that do not have errors continue to process and print.
    • Cancel - Cancel processing of a job and send it to the Hold queue
  3. In the Timeout field, specify the amount of time the Fiery server waits before it suspends or cancels the processing of a job and sends it to the Hold queue.
  4. If you specified Suspend for Mismatch Action, you can select Cancel job processing after time out expires after timeout expires.
  5. Save your changes.
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