Fiery XF 7.1

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Specify a light source and an observer angle

Different light sources make colors appear differently. When converting spectral data to the L*a*b* color space, Verifier takes the light (illuminant) setting and the observer angle into account. You can select a light source and an observer angle.

Verifier has three light settings:

  • D-50 (5000 K) is the international norm for horizon sunlight on a clear morning/evening.

  • D-65 (6504 K) represents midday light (noon).

  • C (6774 K) stands for average daylight, excluding ultraviolet radiation.

The angle of view affects the color sensitivity of the eye. The standard viewing angle is 2°, but 10° is sometimes used in the packaging or textile industry.

  1. Start Verifier, click Preferences, and click the General tab.
  2. Under General, click a light source for spectral data conversion.