Fiery XF 7.1

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Reduce the total ink limit (TIL)

In this step, you can reduce ink consumption, which also helps to prevent cockling and bleed.


If you know the exact TIL definition to use, you do not have to print and measure the chart in this step. Enter the required percentage in the Numerical TIL definition edit box at the bottom of this window.

  1. Click Print.

    The chart is printed with the initial TIL applied. The initial TIL equals the sum of the values that you defined for the ink limits per channel. It is the maximum permitted value. Normally, the glossier the media, the higher the TIL.

  2. Wait for the ink to dry. Then, follow the on-screen instructions to measure the chart.
  3. Visually assess the printed chart, and check for undesirable cockling or bleed. Then, select one of the following:
    • Automatic TIL definition by measurement—Applies the TIL calculated by Color Tools. Select this setting if you are satisfied with the amount of ink on the printout.

    • Visual TIL definition—Select the number of the column with the best TIL. The automatic TIL may not always be the best choice, as measuring devices cannot take cockling or bleed into account.

Now watch the video here.