Fiery Command WorkStation

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Specify JDF settings (FS150/150Pro)

JDF (Job Definition Format) technology is an XML-based open industry standard for job tickets. It simplifies the information exchange among different graphic arts applications and systems.

Important: If you are connected to a Fiery Server with FS150/150 Pro or later, use this procedure. If you are not sure about which version of Configure you are using, see Which version of Configure am I using?. An alternative procedure about what to do with FS100/100Pro is available.

Fiery JDF allows submission of JDF jobs to a Fiery Server from applications that allow creation of JDF tickets.

Use Configure to specify JDF settings and to view the Fiery JDF version, the JDF Device ID, and the JMF URL.

  1. From Configure, choose Job Submission > JDF Settings.
  2. Select Enable JDF.
  3. If a virtual printer is configured for the Fiery Server, select one from the Use Job Settings from Virtual Printer option.
    Note: Specify this option only if it applies to your specific workflow.
  4. Specify a default print queue action from Job action.
  5. Select Override JDF job with the above settings, if you want to override the settings specified in the JDF ticket.
  6. Specify how you want the JDF jobs closed once they are printed.
  7. Specify the items required for closing a JDF job. The items you select here must be filled out before the job can close automatically or manually.
  8. Specify the network paths where the Fiery Server searches for common resources.

    The Fiery Server searches these network paths in the order that you specify until it finds the necessary objects. When you type a path, the Fiery Server does not verify whether it exists on the network.

    Note: Inform users of these paths so that their jobs can access the resources.
  9. Click Save.
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