Fiery XF 7.1

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Create or edit job labels

A job label can include an image and up to six lines of job-specific information. You can select what information to display in the job label. You can also replace the default Fiery logo with any JPEG or TIFF image.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • In Server Manager: On the sidebar, click Printers, and select a printer. In the printer's tree view, select a workflow. On the Layout tab, expand the Job Label panel. In the panel header bar, select the check box to activate the settings.
    • In Job Editor: On the Layout tab, expand the Job Label panel. In the panel header bar, select the check box to activate the settings.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Single jobs: Select Page.
    • Jobs with multiple pages (nesting, step & repeat): Select Collection to create one job label for the whole job, or select Page to create a job label for each page. Jobs consisting of multiple pages can have both types of job label.
  3. Click Edit (optional).

    Job Label Editor allows you to review or edit the default job label settings (see the following steps).

  4. Click Upload and browse to an image file. If you do not want to include an image, select None. The maximum image size is 5 x 5 cm (2.54 x 2.54 inches). If the image exceeds these dimensions, Command WorkStation scales it proportionally so that either the width or the height is reduced to 5 cm. Images smaller than 5 x 5 cm appear in their original size. If color management is selected for the job, it is applied to job label images too.
  5. Select the required check boxes to specify the content of lines 1 to 6. Line 6 has room for custom text.
  6. Click OK.