Fiery XF 7.1

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Verification results

Verifier can measure the color accuracy between one set of measurement data and one set of reference data, between two sets of measurement data, or between two sets of reference data.

Verifier provides the following ways to help you evaluate the verification results:

  • Results area—The Results tab provides a summary of the overall result. If all the measurements lie within the specified range of tolerance, a green check mark indicates a verification result of “Passed”. A red cross warns you if any color patch exceeded the maximum tolerance values.

  • Measurement value tables—The tables can display color values in the L*a*b* (default), RGB, XYZ, or CIELCH color space. Density values are also available if color values are already displayed.

  • Reference and Sample color comparison tables—The table displays the color results side by side for easy comparison. You can adjust the brightness by changing the monitor gamma setting in the Preferences dialog box.

  • dE table—The table can display the amount of color deviation in delta E (default), CIE L*a*b*, CMC, dE 94, or dE 2000.

  • 2D Viewer—The 2D diagram displays a cross-section of the L*a*b* color space at a specific value along the L* axis.

  • 3D Viewer—The 3D diagram shows the full color gamuts of both sets of measurement data. You can rotate the 3D model to see where the measured data do not fit into the color gamut of the reference.

Now watch the video here.