Fiery XF 7.1

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Configure for print-to-file output

You can define a naming format and select an export folder in which to save print files for EFI wide-format printers.

Print files from EFI VUTEk printers are saved in RTL and GIF format to the specified Export folder. The GIF files are used to display a preview of the job on the VUTEk User Interface. You can open GIF files in any conventional graphics program.

Print files from EFI Matan and EFI Reggiani printers are saved as separated TIFFs to the specified Export folder. If you select an Export folder that resides in the network, you must type access rights to the folder.

  1. Under Connection type, select File output.
  2. Define the export path (optional).

    Use the default export path, or click Choose and browse to a different folder.

  3. Select a naming format for the print files.

    The default naming format is job order_job name_job ID_tile number_page number_Date. You can define a custom naming format that may also contain custom text, and any of the following variables:

    Variable Description
    %count Counter
    %jobid Job ID
    %t Tile number
    %p Page number
    %out Printer
    %cm Color mode
    %job Job name/nesting name
    %res Resolution
    %work Workflow
    %date Date
    %order Job order
    Note: File names are easier to read if you add a separator, such as an underline or a hyphen, between two variables.