Fiery XF 7.1

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Set up an EFI Reggiani printer in Command WorkStation

You must set up the printer to print to file.

Before you begin, make sure that Command WorkStation is logged on to a Fiery XF server.
  1. In Server Manager, add a new printer and configure it to print to file. Observe the following:
    1. Under Connection type, select File output.
    2. Under Export path, type the location of the shared folder that contains the print_parameters subfolder, e.g. //ONE00/Reggiani. Do not select the print_parameters folder itself.

      You can copy and paste the network path. (You can also set up a local connection for testing purposes. However, it is recommended that you do not use a local connection for printing.)


      Make sure to select the Reggiani folder as the Export folder, not the jobs_to_prepare subfolder. If you want to use the default Export folder instead of the Reggiani folder, the print files will be created in Export > jobs_to_prepare. However, this works only if the Export folder already contains a valid print_parameters folder.

    3. Type the user name UTENTE, and the password Reggiani123456, and click Save.
    4. Click Test to verify that you can access the network export folder.

      If you see an error message, check that the user name, password and export path settings are correct.

    5. Under Naming, select a naming format for the print files (optional).

      The default naming format is job order_job name_job IDtile number_page number_Date. You can define a custom naming format that may also contain custom text.

  2. Restart the Fiery XF server. During restart, the Fiery XF server reads out the information from all configured “Reggiani” folders.